Arranged To Love

· Saltzailea: HarperCollins Australia
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All her life, Madhuri Singh has been sure she'll make an arranged marriage with an Indian man. But when the opportunity arrives at the same time that a past lover returns to her life, Maddie finds herself torn between her culture and her desire.

All his life, Jack Faulkner has been obsessed with being the one his father chooses to take over the reins of Faulkner Publications. When it seems it's finally within his grasp, he finds himself face to face with the one woman who can make him forget everything.

What will win out–the dreams they've always held for their futures, or the passion that even after seven years apart cannot be contained. Will they remain blinded to the truth–that they will only be happy if they can be together?

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Egileari buruz

Elizabeth Dunk is the contemporary romance writing alter-ego of Nicole Murphy, who cut her teeth writing science fiction and fantasy. A long-time romance fan, Nicole couldn't resist attempting to sit fair and square in the modern world and bring two fabulous characters together and thus Elizabeth was born. As Nicole, she has dozens of short stories in print and published an urban fantasy trilogy, The Dream of Asarlai. As Elizabeth, she's published a couple of short stories. This is the first novel-length work under her new name and there are plans for many more.

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