Art is a Waste of Time: Poetry Collection

Zarina Macha
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 Art is a Waste of Time is Zarina Macha’s debut poetry collection, first published in 2018.Macha has written extensively in styles of satire, confessionalism and free verse. This body of work contains poems Macha wrote between the years 2013 and 2018, capturing a teenage girl's growth into a young woman. 

A small segment of poems she wrote as a child in the year 2007 is included at the back of the book. 

Her debut fictional novel Every Last Psycho: A Collection of Two Novellas was released in 2018. Her second fiction novel, Anne, was released in 2019.

Звесткі пра аўтара

Zarina Macha is an author, blogger and musician born and raised in London, UK. She studied Songwriting and Creative Artistry at The Academy of Contemporary Music in Guildford. She regularly writes a social comment blog titled 'The Zarina Macha Blog.' In her spare time she loves reading and fan-girling over Game of Thrones.

In 2018 she began independently publishing her books through Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform. Every Last Psycho and Anne are her young-adult fiction novels that deal with mental illness, drug abuse, domestic violence and coming-of-age. Art is a Waste of Time and Single Broke Female are her two poetry books.

Around Midnight is her fifth self-published work. It is a young-adult drama about jazz, ambition, and a toxic relationship.

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