These reflections have been jotted down over the years, many in planes and airports during frequent travels on business. They range from the mundane to the arcane.
Some are spontaneous outpourings, all over in a flash; others a painful search for the right word or expression.
Some are for an "in" audience and the general reader may not appreciate the subtleties of some references in this context.
But basically they were written just because I wanted to.
They follow on from Volume One published in 2009. Ashley Goldsworthy lives in Brisbane, Australia. He is 75 and he and his wife of 53 years have four children and ten grandchildren, aged from one to 26. His career was in business, as a senior executive, and academe, with deep parallel involvement in the arts, politics and professional activities.
He does not pretend to be a poet, but feels the urge from time to time to express his thoughts in a way which reflects his personal feelings on a particular topic or issue.