At the End of the Day: A Novel

· გამყიდველი: Simon and Schuster

ამ ელწიგნის შესახებ

At the End of the Day is the exhilarating, heart-pounding, and action-packed follow-up to Nothing Stays the Same—emotional and sometimes stormy journey of several friends as they encounter and weather life’s blessings and tragedies.

Beautiful Denise Thomas is going to finally marry the love of her life—the man she should have married in the first place. Harold is the cousin of her ex-husband, Marvin Thomas, and he’s also her baby’s daddy.

Sylvia and Kenny Richmond, Mona and Michael Broussard, Claudette and Tyrone Beasley, Trina and Cecil Coleman, and Rachel and Marvin Thomas—the ex-husband—come to New York to witness the beautiful wedding ceremony of Denise and Harold. They aren’t the only witnesses; Michael Broussard runs into an old friend, Dr. Madeline Brooks, at the reception. Michael and Madeline were classmates in medical school, but it appears that they have been more than book buddies. It doesn’t take Mona, Michael’s wife, long to break up the happy reunion.

The Thomases’ wedding day is one to remember, but what no one knows is that Denise has discovered a lump in her remaining breast and the happy couple’s new life together may be short-lived. At the end of the day, all that matters is the love and support of family and friends.

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Suzetta Perkins is the author of fourteen books, including Stormy, Free to Love, What’s Love Got to Do With It?, A Love So Deep, In My Rearview Mirror, Silver Bullets, Hollywood Skye, and more. She is the cofounder and president of the Sistahs Book Club. Visit to learn more.

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