Au Revoir

· Petit Paris Bók 12 · Oiseau Distrait

Um þessa rafbók

Finally came to the end of her trip, hundreds & hundreds of fragments flowed into her mind. She assured people & tiny little things were the elements that flourished her solo trip. She still remembered all those, even they might not be the icons of Paris, seems ordinary as they were, they are her heart.

A journey had to end somewhere, she gathered pieces of memories to end the story.

Au Revoir! ...the meaning of Goodbye & we'll see again!

Um höfundinn

Oiseau Distrait - the forgetful bird 

She was born & live in Hong Kong, once was an interior designer and a part time tutor; writing, photography and painting are her hobby, a “real” amateur. 

After her first visited of Paris in 2019, she has decided to turn her hobby into professional…hopefully one day, ha ha! So she begin to write before she forget her “unforgettable” memories. 

She loves poem, the way its’ whispering into one’s heart…”you don’t need to understand but feel it, in your own way, that’s how we live”…… she believes.

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