August Unknown

· Pink Pixel Publishing
2 ta sharh
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Bu e-kitob haqida

Danger lurks in a past she can’t remember...

She doesn’t know what happened the night of the storm, why she was walking along the highway without ID, or why she has a fading tan line on her wedding ring finger, but a dark and terrifying presence haunts the edge of her memory. Before she can start a new life with the wonderful man who came to her rescue, she must remember what in her past might take her away from him.


Heartache lies in a past he can’t forget...

Blaming himself for his late wife’s death, Geoffrey Barthlow has only begun to scrape together the pieces of his shattered life. When Jane Doe “August” falls into his world, he sees the opportunity to help her as a chance to heal his own soul. But as he finds himself falling for the beautiful mystery woman, he knows his heart is once again at risk; she has another life somewhere that she will eventually remember. 

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2 ta sharh

Muallif haqida

CEOs, Navy SEALs, FBI agents...

You won’t find them here. Instead, I write about the average Joe with his boy-next-door charm and his steak ‘cueing skills. The guy who takes out the trash—after you ask, who wears a shirt with a spot on it to lunch with your mother but then charms her socks off, who forgets to water your favorite house plant but then buys you flowers. You know and love this guy: the Rick Grimes’, the Stu Redmans, the Kyle Reeses of the world who, when faced with seemingly insurmountable odds, rise to the occasion and save you, the dog, and the day. Okay, so Kyle Reese died in the end, but my heroes do not!


You can read my books with my promise that only the bad guy will meet his deserved end in a bad way. Likewise, I do not write about anti-heroes. There are no Tony Sopranos, no Dexter Morgans, no Ray Donovans in my books. So find a comfy spot and pour yourself a glass of wine, cup of tea, or mug of hot chocolate, whatever suits your fancy, and read one of my books knowing you’ll find a hero you can fall in love with and a heroine you wish you could be. 

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