Autobiography of a Blue-eyed Devil: My Life and Times in a Racist, Imperialist Society

· Seven Stories Press

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In an updated second edition of her follow-up to the cult classic Cunt, Inga Muscio asserts that the history taught in schools and perpetuated in all areas of life in the US is, in fact, a marketing brand developed by powerful people to maintain gross inequities. With Autobiography of a Blue-Eyed Devil, it’s Muscio’s turn to take Americans on a tour through our history, from Columbus to today. Whose country is this? Has democracy ever really existed? With her trademark ability to deconstruct reality and expose truths that allow us to see our culture and ourselves more clearly, Muscio delves deep to answer these fundamental questions. Includ- ing chapters such as “God Told Me To Kill You,” on religious intolerance from the 1600s to the 1800s, and “Postage Stamp Redemptions,” in which she challenges the myth that White supremacy and imperialism in the US ended with the civil rights movement, Muscio offers new perspectives on our history that might shock even the most ardent alternative history buff.

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Feminist, anti-racist advocate and provocateur, INGA MUSCIO is the author of Cunt: A Declaration of Independence and Autobiography of a Blue-Eyed Devil. She lives in the Pacific Northwest and has an extensive lecture schedule across the nation.

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