Awesome Dog 5000 vs. The Kitty-Cat Cyber Squad (Book 3)

· Awesome Dog 5000 წიგნი 3 · გამყიდველი: Random House Books for Young Readers

ამ ელწიგნის შესახებ

Heads up, DOG MAN lovers! Watch out, readers of BAD GUYS! Robotic dog AWESOME DOG 5000 is back in his third action-packed adventure!

Evil Cat vs. Awesome Dog! Get ready to meet Awesome Dog's number one fan--Tina Tinkerwith. Tina's an obsessed toy designer who'll stop at NOTHING to get close to her idol, even if it means becoming a SUPERVILLAIN herself! Find out what happens when Awesome Dog and his pals face off against Tina and her army of robotic kitty toys in the AWESOMEST Awesome Dog yet! The claws are coming out to settle the age-old debate once and for all, which is better? Cats or dogs?

Attention, readers! AWESOME DOG 5000 is a wild action-comedy told through a mix of text and black-and-white illustrations, with a mystery to solve at the end. Can you handle the awesomeness?

ავტორის შესახებ

Fun fact! Justin Dean is an award-winning writer of television commercials who has led national campaigns for brands such as South Park,Conan, and the Olympics. Now he writes bizarro and funny books for kids, too. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife and two kids. Unfortunately, they don't have any robot pets (yet). Visit him at You can also find him on YouTube under Awesome Draw 5000 and on instagram @jddean5000

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