Azusa Pacific University

· Arcadia Publishing
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Located in the community of Azusa, 26 miles northeast of Los Angeles, Azusa Pacific University is nestled among the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains, which provide a rugged backdrop for two campuses. The 52-acre East Campus is situated at the intersection of Alosta and Citrus Avenues, while the 22-acre West Campus is located a quarter-mile away on Foothill Boulevard. The mission statement for the university declares that it is an evangelical Christian community of disciples and scholars who seek to advance the work of God in the world through academic excellence in liberal arts and professional programs of higher education that encourage students to develop a Christian perspective of truth and life. The universitys four cornerstones are Christ, scholarship, community, and service. Throughout the history of the university, there have been several name changes and location changes; but, as illustrated in this pictorial history, the universitys mottoGod Firsthas remained unchanged.

Автор жөнүндө

Ken Otto is the special collections librarian and university archivist at Azusa Pacific University. Using historical photographs that are housed in the university archives, he has compiled a chronological timeline of the university from its founding in 1899 to the present.

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