· Christian Publishing House
Электрон ном

Энэ электрон номын тухай

 This commentary volume is part of a series by Christian Publishing House (CPH) that covers all of the sixty-six books of the Bible. These volumes are a study tool for the pastor, small group biblical studies leader, or the churchgoer. The primary purpose of studying the Bible is to learn about God and his personal revelation, allowing it to change our lives by drawing closer to God. The Book of Philippians volume is written in a style that is easy to understand. The Bible can be difficult and complex at times. Our effort within is to make it easier to read and understand, while also accurately communicating truth. CPH New Testament Commentary will convey the meaning of the verses of the book of Philippians. In addition, we will also cover the Bible background, the custom and culture of the times, as well as Bible difficulties.

Another important feature of CPH New Testament Commentary is its range of information. We have made every effort to supply our readers with important textual information in a simple way. In addition, the reader will be introduced to one of the original languages of the Bible by way of transliteration (English letters), Greek. This thorough information should benefit our readers in becoming more in-depth students of the fully inerrant, inspired Word of God, as well as being better qualified to defend to anyone who asks them for a reason for their hope.—1 Peter 3:15.

Зохиогчийн тухай

Doctor of Ministry Andersonville Baptist Seminary

Doctor of Biblical Counseling Andersonville Baptist Seminary

Doctor of Theology Andersonville Baptist Seminary

M. A. Religion, Liberty Theological Seminary

Master of Theology Andersonville Baptist Seminary

Master of Pastoral Studies Mid-Atlantic Baptist Institute

M.S. Education, Supervision and Administration - Johns Hopkins University

B.S. Religion - Liberty University 

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