Find and Follow Your Inner Compass: Instant Guidance in an Age of Information Overload

· John Hunt Publishing
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In a time when we are bombarded from morning to evening with information from all sides as to what is best and what we should and shouldn't do to live happy lives, how can we navigate through this massive sea of information and know what's best for us in any given situation? Is there a reliable way to make decisions and navigate wisely through life? Yes! In this book Barbara Berger maps out what the Inner Compass is and how we can read its signals. How do we use the Inner Compass in our daily lives, at work and in our relationships? What sabotages our ability to listen to and follow the Inner Compass? What do we do when the Inner Compass points us in a direction we believe other people will disapprove of? Find and follow your Inner Compass and experience more flow and joy in your life.

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Звесткі пра аўтара

American born Barbara Berger is the bestselling author of The Road to Power, The Awakening Human Being: A Guide to the Power of Mind and Are You Happy Now? 10 Ways to Live a Happy Life. She lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark.

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