The Awakening Human Being

· John Hunt Publishing
1 рецензија
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О овој е-књизи

Best-selling author Barbara Berger’s new book is a practical spiritual handbook that offers readers a complete guide to the awakening consciousness that is emerging on planet Earth. In this book, Barbara not only maps out the incredible power of mind, but she explains how to use this power wisely. The message of the book is very relevant for everyone in this time of crisis because the book offers a roadmap of how to use so much of the information that is floating around today in so many spiritual books. It’s a major work and the best book Barbara Berger has written so far. The promise of this book is that it shows readers how to find a way out of suffering by waking up to the nature of reality and the nature of mind to find the peace and happiness they seek in the present moment.

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1 рецензија

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