Basic Yoga Postures and Series In A Day For Dummies

· Pardavėjas „John Wiley & Sons“
22 apžvalgos
El. knyga

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Learn basic yoga postures and series in a day? Easy.

Want to start enjoying the benefits of yoga today? The secret's out—you can quickly get up-to-speed on the basics of yoga and begin your workout with the help of this fun guide.

Basic Yoga Postures & Series In A Day For Dummies gives you an easy-to-follow introduction on the essential beginning elements of yoga. It's packed with tips and advice for staying balanced while maintaining proper posture (when sitting or standing) and step-by-step instructions for basic yoga sequences.

  • An overview on the basic philosophy and benefits of Yoga
  • Essential keys to posture, sitting, and standing
  • The mechanics and practice of breathing during Yoga practice
  • A recommended routine for beginners
  • Online component takes you beyond the book with bonus content and features

Get ready to start reaping the many benefits of this ancient practice with Basic Yoga Postures & Series In A Day For Dummies.

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22 apžvalgos

Apie autorių

Georg Feuerstein, Ph.D. (Saskatchewan, Canada) has written more than 30 books on such topics as yoga, tantra, and spiritual transcendence.

Larry Payne, Ph.D. (Los Angeles, CA) is an internationally respected Yoga teacher and workshop leader.

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