Batman: Dark Victory

· Batman: Dark Victory 1-tom · DC
168 ta sharh
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The sequel to the critically acclaimed BATMAN: THE LONG HALLOWEEN, DARK VICTORY continues the story of an early time in Batman's life when James Gordon, Harvey Dent, and the vigilante himself were all just beginning their roles as Gotham's protectors. Once a town controlled by organized crime, Gotham City suddenly finds itself being run by lawless freaks, such as Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze, and the Joker. Witnessing his city's dark evolution, the Dark Knight completes his transformation into the city's greatest defender. He faces multiple threats, including the apparent return of a serial killer called Holiday. Batman's previous investigation of Holiday's killings revealed that more than one person was responsible for the murders. So the question remains: who is committing Holiday's crimes this time? And how many will die before Batman learns the truth?

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168 ta sharh

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JEPH LOEB�s first love is writing comics. He has been lucky enough to work on SUPERMAN/BATMAN, SUPERMAN:FOR ALL SEASONS, BATMAN: HAUNTED KNIGHT, BATMAN: THE LONG HALLOWEEN, BATMAN: DARK VICTORY BATMAN: HUSH and SUPERGIRL for DC Comics as well as Captain America and Uncanny X-Men for Marvel Comics. As a screenwriter/producer his credits include SMALLVILLE, Heroes, Teen Wolf and Commando. TIM SALE is an Eisner Award-winning artist, whose career has spanned nearly three decades. His most prominent works include BATMAN: THE LONG HALLOWEEN, BATMAN: DARK VICTORY, SUPERMAN FOR ALL SEASONS, and CATWOMAN: WHEN IN ROME for DC Comics, as well as Daredevil: Yellow, Spider-Man: Blue and Hulk: Gray for Marvel Comics. His art was prominently featured on the hit NBC series Heroes.

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