Beach Roses

· Martha's Vineyard Кніга 7 · Прадавец: Bantam
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Miracles happen where you least expect them.

No one captures the tides of a woman’s heart quite like Jean Stone. Set on New England’s celebrated Martha’s Vineyard, this novel brings together three courageous women whose struggles reveal startling truths and ultimately change their lives.
The women begin as strangers: Rita has a past that cannot stay hidden for long; Katie, the vibrant rock star, must choose between saving her own life and the life of her unborn child; Hannah, a selfless housewife, finds herself abandoned by her friends just when she needs them most; and Faye, the wealthy executive, thinks she’s already survived the greatest fight of her life. Before the summer ends, these women will form a lasting bond—in a season when old hurts are finally healed, love is rekindled, and life begins anew.

Звесткі пра аўтара

Jean Stone is the bestselling author of many novels, including Places by the Sea, Once Upon a Bride, Twice Upon a Wedding, Three Times a Charm, and Four Steps to the Altar. She ran her own award-winning advertising agency for fifteen years before becoming a full-time writer.

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