Becca: Reporting for Duty

· Simon and Schuster ээс худалдаалагдав
3 шүүмж
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Watch out for heat pistols! In this third erotic, interactive ebook of the Dare to Decide series, clicking a link has never been hotter. Your choices steer young space intern Becca through a maze of lovers who will all impact her career.

Becca is ready to hit her first star course as an engineer and she’s going to keep her family’s naval pedigree a secret. But upon arrival at her space trader, the captain meets her with a suspicious yet alluring offer. Soon she faces smuggling intrigue, a mysterious cryo prisoner, and plenty of interesting bed partners…some of whom are not human. Will Becca find deadly battles, true love, or both by the time you reach one of the sixteen endings? Dare to decide again and again as you explore the depths of icy fear and passionate danger space can bring.

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3 шүүмж

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Mima has published more than fifteen erotic romances. Her worlds include fantasy, space opera, paranormal, and futuristic. Titles that have won EPIC and RWA awards are In Service and Within Reach: A Bonded Fantasy. Becoming an author has sent her over the moon, but she’s still a wife, reader, gardener, and cat pillow down in rural New York as well. Connect with her at And be sure to look for the other Dare to Decide adventures.

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