Becoming a Counsellor: A Student Companion

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Becoming a Counsellor is a one-stop reference book for all new counselling trainees. Whether starting out on an introductory course or tackling a postgraduate diploma, this book will make the journey to professional qualification that little bit easier. It addresses the complexities and challenges of counselling training by confronting and unpicking the many potentially daunting issues and questions faced by students throughout their training. The book covers a comprehensive range of topics, including

- choosing a course and theoretical orientation

- clarifying roles - who′s who on the course?

- explaining common pedagogical activities and expectations, including the personal development journal

- assessment, supervision and support

- ethical and legal issues.

While earlier chapters introduce methods of learning and developing for those new to the field, later sections addressing research, supervision and placements will be of interest to students who are studying at a higher level.

This engaging, straightforward introduction to counselling will be an essential companion for students new to counselling throughout their training, whether on basic introductory or postgraduate diploma courses.

Egileari buruz

Since completing her training as a mental health nurse in 1987, Kirsten has spent over 20 years working as a counsellor, lecturer in counselling and supervisor within the NHS, education, private practice and voluntary sectors. In addition to this, she works as an SQA Appointee in the role of External Verifier for counselling qualifications. Kirsten’s published work includes Challenges in Counselling: Counselling Students, (2013, Hodder) and Becoming a Counsellor: A Student Companion, (2011, Sage). Her areas of interest include counselling students, counselling training and working with addiction.

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