Behind Closed Doors

· HarperCollins Australia

ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ

Body heat


At first Ann Carson thought the notes were a prank. Then came more sinister threats and the eerie awareness that someone was watching her. Ann dreaded the long, hot summer nights until rugged policeman Clay Clinton became her bodyguard. She would finally be able to sleep at night if only thoughts of Clay would stop invading her dreams .

In daylight, Clay had no trouble focusing on his mission: hunting the stalker. After sundown, however, he found it harder to concentrate. For his wary gaze couldn't ignore Ann's sultry blue eyes or the heat–flushed skin bared by sheer, silky nightgowns. As Clay struggled against the fire storm of desire, the killer closed in and still, the temperature was rising .

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