Behind My Words

· J.L. Drake
3 пікір
Электрондық кітап

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A tale of manipulation, seduction, and the dark villains that walk among us. 

I’m being watched and lied to by those around me. 

I’m a ghost writer, scarred from my past, trying to move forward. 

I was on the path to success with my author career, until a negative spotlight was cast my way, and the best part of me vanished in one afternoon. 

I gave myself a fresh start and moved back home. Soon I found comfort shadowing the new detective for research on my next series. The perks of having family in law enforcement. 

I had no clue I’d let my guard down just enough to let him in. 

As we grew closer, so did the murder case we were chasing. Clues were stacking up, and all evidence pointed toward me as the next victim. 

Can we spot the true villain in time? Or will the mastermind behind the truth of my past continue to walk free among us?

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3 пікір

Авторы туралы

Author J.L. Drake was born and raised in Nova Scotia, Canada, later moving to Southern California where she lives with her husband and two children.

When she's not writing she loves to spend time with her family, traveling or just enjoying a night at home. One thing you might notice in her books is her love for the four seasons. Growing up on the east coast of Canada the change in the seasons is in her blood and is often mentioned in her writing.

Her books can be found in different languages around the world.

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