Behind That Curtain

· A&C Black
5 ta sharh
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Charlie Chan is in San Francisco for one week only – he absolutely must leave on Wednesday's boat to get back to Hawaii, where a new son awaits his return. Never mind that Sir Frederic Bruce, a former Scotland Yard detective he's only just met, but for whom he already has great respect, has been murdered at a dinner party he was attending. Never mind that Sir Frederic was hot on the trail of a fifteen-year-old mystery involving murder and a missing woman. Never mind that Chan catches twice as many clues as the bumbling San Francisco detective put on the case – he must get home to his son. But even Charlie Chan can't resist a challenge from a beautiful, intelligent woman like June Morrow, deputy district attorney and the lawyer in charge of prosecuting Sir Frederic's murder. One more week away from home should be plenty of time to catch a killer...

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5 ta sharh

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Earl Derr Biggers (1884 –1933) was an American novelist and playwright. He is remembered primarily for his novels, especially those featuring the Chinese-American detective, Charlie Chan.

Biggers was born in Warren, Ohio, and graduated from Harvard University in 1907. Many of his plays and novels were made into movies, and he was posthumously inducted into the Warren City Schools Distinguished Alumni Hall of Fame.

By 1908, Biggers was hired at the Boston Traveler to write a daily humor column and, soon after, became the drama critic. It was at this time that he met Elanor Ladd, who would later become his wife and who would have a marked influence in his writing.

The popularity of Charlie Chan extended even to China, where audiences in Shanghai appreciated the Hollywood films. Chinese companies made their own versions of the films starring this fictional character.
Biggers lived in San Marino, California, and died in a Pasadena, California of a heart attack. He was 48.

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