
· Open Road Media


DIVOn the eve of her wedding, a woman must fight to rescue her fiancé from an international terrorist plot

/divDIV/divDIVIt’s been nearly a year since Janet’s husband, Hank, died of a terrible illness. Though she thought she would never love again, John Sheridan proved her wrong. Like Janet, he works in government, analyzing files for the State Department. They fall in love shortly after meeting at a party, and it isn’t long before Janet, finally ready to leave Hank in the past, agrees to marriage. But their plans are quickly disrupted./divDIV /divDIVPosted overseas in war-torn Beirut, John disappears just before the wedding. It’s a race against the clock as Janet must face the specter of international terrorism to save the second love of her life—before it’s too late./divDIV /divDIVThis ebook features an illustrated biography of Brian Freemantle including rare photos from the author’s personal collection./div


DIVBrian Freemantle (b. 1936) is one of Britain’s most acclaimed authors of spy fiction. His novels have sold over ten million copies worldwide. Born in Southampton, Freemantle entered his career as a journalist, and began writing espionage thrillers in the late 1960s. Charlie M (1977) introduced the world to Charlie Muffin and won Freemantle international recognition. He would go on to publish fourteen titles in the series./divDIV /divFreemantle has written dozens of other novels, including two featuring Sebastian Holmes, an illegitimate son of Sherlock Holmes, and the Cowley and Danilov series, about an American FBI agent and a Russian militia detective who work together to combat organized crime in the post–Cold War world. Freemantle lives and works in London, England.




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