Beyond: A Devotional

· Multnomah ээс худалдаалагдав
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The Experience God Has for You Is Beyond Anything You Could Imagine…

Don’t let anything stop you from strengthening the most important relationship of your life. Drawing closer to God starts right here–with warm, clear, Bible-based devotionals on the core issues of your faith.

In his down-to-earth style, Greg Laurie helps you reinforce your commitment to God and develop the habit of responding to His voice every day. Beyond guides you into Scripture reflection, prayer, and application with daily devotions that take only ten minutes a day. Discover a greater intensity and intimacy with God as your desire to trust and obey Him keeps growing. Are you ready to move beyond your present spiritual limitations?

Open this book to stretch your spiritual muscles…and go deeper, further, and higher in your relationship with God.

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Greg Laurie is senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California, one of the eight largest churches in America. He also leads the Harvest Crusades, attended by more than three million people since 1990. Greg is the author of more than thirty books, including Because and the Gold Medallion Award winner The Upside-Down Church. He’s also heard internationally on his radio program, A New Beginning. Greg and his wife, Cathe, have two sons and one granddaughter.

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