Bhagat Singh: An Immortal Revolutionary of India

· Diamond Pocket Books Pvt Ltd
47 шүүмж
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 Immortal martyr Bhagat Singh had inherited from his family an irrepessible conviction in the unity and freedom of his motherland. Though born in a well-to-do family, he opted for a revolutionary path full of thorns, due to this conviction.
The entire Indian soil was his goddess, the path of revolution was his worship and the unity and freedom of his motherland was the aim of his worship, for which he sacrificed his life.

His personality was an unprecedented combination of deep scholarship and rare faculty of reasoning. His directed this trait of his personality to the final goal of unity and freedom of his motherland.

The visionary of India's golden future, martyr Bhagat Singh's ideals will continue to inspire all countrymen in an invaluable manner.

Үнэлгээ, сэтгэгдэл

47 шүүмж

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