Like ordinary mortals, it seems that the extensive knowledge of scriptures gained from his guru Maharishi Vasishta did not, in any way, help him in overcoming his miseries. Bhishma would have been known only as a great warrior and someone who resolutely stood by his word, had it not been for the grace of Sri Krishna which brought forth the other facet of his personality of being a Brahmagyani. That enabled him to address all queries of Yudhishthira, lying as he was on the bed of arrows, before his departure from this world.
The authors have to their credit a book titled Karna: The Unsung Hero of the Mahabharata published by Leadstart Publishers in 2015. Bhishma: An Enigma is their second work. Umesh Chandra Kotru, a specialist in accounts and finance retired in 2010 from the Ministry of Power after a distinguished career spanning decades of professional work in various ministries.
An avid reader of books on philosophy, religion, mythology and fiction and passionate aficionado of sports, Umesh now divides his time between his two pursuits of the mind and body.
He lives in Noida with wife, also retired from Central Government Service. They have a daughter who is a doctor and a son who is an engineer with an MBA, both married.
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Ashutosh Zutshi, like-minded nephew of Umesh Kotru, is a technocrat with a difference. An electronics and communication engineer, Ashutosh is vice president at a Japanese MNC in Delhi.
An inner urge for self-actualisation drives him to find time, mostly during the weekends, to pursue his other interests in music, social work and of course, serious reading.
Ashutosh lives in Noida as well with his wife, who works with the United Nations. They have two sons who are in school.
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