Birding Trails Texas: Prairies and Pineywoods, Panhandle : 216 Birding Trails for the Avid Birder

· Wilderness Adventures Press
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Электрондық кітап

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Birding is big in Texas with over 2.5 million resident birders and thousands of non-resident birders who visit the state each year in pursuit of their birding passion.

This volume covers the Panhandle and the Prairies & Pineywoods regions, with over 200 birding trails and sites described.

The author describes each trail with a number of key birds, the best time of year to visit the site, terrain and size of the area, and complete directions to each trail.

There are over 200 gull-color photographs of the key species of birds, and over 30 trail maps, along with a birder's check list.

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