Blood Will Out

· გამყიდველი: Penguin

ამ ელწიგნის შესახებ

Silence of the Lambs for young adults -- Blood Will Out is a gripping YA thriller readers won't be able to put down.

Ari Sullivan is alive--for now.
     She wakes at the bottom of a cistern, confused, injured and alone, with only the shadowy recollection of a low-pitched voice and a gloved hand. No one can hear her screams. And the person who put her there is coming back. The killer is planning a gruesome masterpiece, a fairytale tableau of innocence and blood, meticulously designed.
     Until now, Ari was happy to spend her days pining for handsome, recent-arrival Stroud Bellows, fantasizing about their two-point-four-kids-future together. Safe in her small hometown of Dempsey Hollow. But now her community has turned very dangerous -- and Ari may not be the only intended victim.
     Told in alternating perspectives of predator and prey, Blood Will Out is a gripping and terrifying read.

ავტორის შესახებ

JO TREGGIARI was born in London, England, and raised in Canada. She spent many years in San Francisco and New York, where she trained as a boxer, wrote for punk magazines and owned a successful gangster rap/indie rock record label. Her bestselling novel, Ashes, Ashes (Scholastic), was a White Pine award nominee, Snow Willow nominee, a Bank Street Best Children's Books of the Year 2012, and an American Booksellers Association Best Books of 2011. Her novella, "Love You Like Suicide," appeared in the Fierce Ink Press anthology Becoming Fierce: Teen Stories IRL, which was listed as a Best Teen Book of 2014 by Quill & Quire. She now lives with her children on Nova Scotia's gorgeous south shore where she co-owns a carefully curated, community-active bookstore, Lexicon Books: She blogs indiscriminately at
Twitter: @JoTreggiari

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