Blood and Justice: A Private Investigator Series of Crime Thrillers (a free freebie mystery ebook)

· Rayven T. Hill
2,37 tis. recenzií
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Táto e‑kniha

When sixteen-year-old Jenny James goes missing, and the local police are unable to find her, the girl's frantic mother hires private investigators Jake and Annie Lincoln to search for her daughter.

When the body of Jenny's boyfriend is discovered, the mystery of her disappearance deepens. Shaken out of their comfort zone of Internet searches and poring over public records, the couple soon find themselves facing the frightening possibility they are looking for the latest victim of a serial killer.

As more bodies pile up, the town is gripped with fear. It seems no one is safe, and the Lincolns race to solve an impossible puzzle before they become the killer's next victims.

 + + +

Category Keywords: free, freebies, female protagonist, serial killer, vigilante justice, women sleuths, Crime Fiction, police procedurals, Murder, Kidnapping, private detective, Mystery, mystry, suspence, Suspense, mysteries, thrillers, Canada, Canadian, Mystery & Detective, Private Investigators Series, International, Cozy, ebook, criminal fiction, thriller novels, free books, Serial Killers, ebooks, Police

Hodnotenia a recenzie

2,37 tis. recenzií

O autorovi

Rayven T. Hill was born in 1954 in Markham, Ontario. He has had a variety of occupations and careers since then, spending the last fourteen years as a computer programmer and web site designer.

His first novel, written in 1960, was an instant hit with his mother and one sibling. He then put his career as a novelist aside for half a century to concentrate on making a living, but has now ventured back into the world of writing.

His first real novel, Blood and Justice, was published as an eBook in June 2013.

He lives with his wife in Toronto.

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