A powerful, suspenseful debut novel about a young woman who’s obsession with a stranger’s murder has her venturing into the unknown...
In Memphis, where the heat clings heavy like a second skin, it has been a summer of murders. Olivia Dale's job as a novice crime reporter is at once surreal—stepping in and out of strangers' lives with her notebook—and all too real. As she looks down on the twisted body of a young woman who has been kidnapped and gruesomely killed, she wonders if she could have been that girl. As she chases the story, she discovers that Allison Avery—so all-American, so like Olivia in age and looks—was just like her, except wilder. Drawn deep into the shadows and secrets of Allison's life, Olivia becomes caught up in exploring her own wild side and finds herself seduced by a perilous world where her life may be in danger.