Bond Girl

· HarperCollins UK
6 сын-пикир
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The Devil Wears Prada meets Wall Street in this fast–paced, hilarious odyssey in four–inch heels.

Whilst some bankers take 15 minutes to agree on a font size for a presentation, Alex Gerrett discovers that it takes her only one minute to lose her new bank $93,000 on her first trade. Welcome to the world of finance.

Being at the bottom of the corporate ladder in one of Wall street's biggest powerhouses is like having landed in a giant adult playground for new-girl-on-the-block Alex. As a child she witnessed the 'glamour' of the money-making machine via her banker dad. Now, she has survived the 'do-you-squeeze-the-toothpaste-from-the-bottom-or-the-top?' question in the interview and is heading for The City.

Her 'Watch Out Wall Street, Here I Come' attitude is soon punctured by her status as the one with the folding chair instead of a desk.

She has a lot to learn, for example:

  • A $65 limo ride is a completely acceptable way to travel ten blocks...
  • ... or five blocks if it’s raining.
  • Knowing maths is important – but nowhere near as important as you’d think!
  • A bet is a bet is a bet. If you lose as credit card roulette, you will pay the bill. No one cares that it’s your first job and the bill is $10,000.

And with things looking a little sticky on the World’s markets, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

Баалар жана сын-пикирлер

6 сын-пикир

Автор жөнүндө

Erin Duffy graduated from Georgetown University in 2000 with a B.A. in English and went on to spend more than a decade working in fixed income sales on Wall Street. She currently lives in New York. Bond Girl is her first novel.

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