
· The Cavanaugh Brothers 4. kniha · Predajca: Penguin
14 recenzií
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The New York Times bestselling author of Brash returns to the Triple C Ranch in River Black, Texas, for more cowboys, romance, and danger…

Ranch hand Blue Perez’s once simple life is spinning out of control. He’s discovered he has three half-brothers, and they’re not ready to accept his claim on the ranch. Also, Blue’s girlfriend may have betrayed him in the worst way possible. And after one evening of drowning his sorrows at the bar, there’s someone he can’t get out of his mind, a woman who says she’s carrying his child.

Following a night of breathtaking passion in the arms of a man who now rules her dreams, waitress Emily Shiver is contemplating her next step. Blue is determined to be a part of her life, yet she would rather raise the baby on her own. But when she becomes the target of someone’s dark obsession, Emily must let Blue in—to both her heart and her future.

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14 recenzií

O autorovi

Laura Wright is the New York Times bestselling author of the Cavanaugh Brothers novels, including Brash and Broken, and the Mark of the Vampire Novels, including Eternal Sin and Eternal Demon.  Though she has spent most of her life immersed in acting, singing, and competitive ballroom dancing, when she found the world of writing and books and endless cups of coffee, she knew she was home. She is passionate about romantic fiction. Laura lives in Los Angeles with her husband, two young children, and three lovable dogs. 

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