Boxed Set: The Billionaire's Power, parts 4-6

Addictive Publishing
101 ta sharh
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***Due to strong language, violence, and sexual situations, this series is not intended for readers under the age of 18***

Pretty Juliette still hasn’t heard from Darius Winthrope, her billionaire lover… With her private life falling apart, the young journalist fights to stop the tabloid rumors that she is engaged to David Bitsen, the most prominent actor in the celebrity world. She is determined to silence the media scandal that is exploding around her, and to save her relationship with Darius. It takes all her courage, but she manages to quash the rumors. However, there is worse to come: Darius’s investigation has shown without a doubt that someone is out to get him…

This is a complete, uncensored version: no scenes have been cut.

This pack contains the second installment of the collection The Billionaire's Power.

Also available:

- The Billionaire's Power, parts 1-3 (approx. 150 pages)

- The Billionaire's Power, parts 7-9 (approx. 150 pages)

- The Billionaire's Power, parts 10-12 (approx. 150 pages)

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101 ta sharh

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