Bram Stoker, Dracula and the Victorian Gothic Stage

· Springer

Podrobnosti o e‑knize

Bram Stoker, Dracula and the Victorian Gothic Stage re-appraises Stoker's key fictions in relation to his working life. It takes Stoker's work from the margins to centre stage, exploring how Victorian theatre's melodramatic and Gothic productions influenced his writing and thinking.

O autorovi

Catherine Wynne is Senior Lecturer in English at the University of Hull, UK. She is editor of Bram Stoker and the Stage: Reviews, Reminiscences, Essays and Fiction (2012), author of The Colonial Conan Doyle (2002) and co-editor (with Sabine Vanacker) of Sherlock Holmes and Conan Doyle: Multi-Media Afterlives (2012).

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