Bring Back Her Body

· Sotuvchi: Simon and Schuster
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Bu e-kitob haqida

“I want Paula or her body—I don’t care which.”

This was the command of her wealthy, ruthless father. But Abel Cain, who undertook the search, found that he had been presented with only one side of the ugly truth. There were others looking for the hidden heiress too, and among them were the forces of jealousy, greed, and murderous vengeance.

When and island orgy held by Paula’s friends backfired and the two-faced revelers uncovered a surprise coffin, Cain found the key to his puzzle, one that pointed to something terribly simple and utterly evil.

This new novel, an ACE Original, presents some saucy humor, stalking females, and a bevy of up-to-no-good sophisticates thrown against background of fast action and awesome terror. It will keep you guessing and breathless all the way.

Muallif haqida

An Adams Media author.

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