Broken: Organized Crime Romance

· The King Brothers Series 3-р ном · Writergirl Press
11 шүүмж
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First he lied to me.

Then he seduced me.

Now he’s broken me.

I knew him as a boy, but now the boy is back—a hardened criminal.

Big as hell. Blindingly beautiful. Sexy as sin.

Dripping with attitude. Covered in ink.

And carrying a colossal chip on his shoulder.

I want to keep my distance. 

Needing to protect myself and my virginity. 

He’s awakening parts of me that I never knew were dormant. 

Ruining me for any other man.

I should have known that nothing this good would be healthy for me.

He’s a liar. A thief. A convict. A deviant.

I need to walk away from this man who’s breaking me piece by piece.

Only my heart is not cooperating.

Broken is a King Brothers Mafia Romance Book. It is a full-length, standalone novel, featuring a strong alpha with no cheating (and as always) a happily ever after.

The King Brothers Series:






Themes of this novel are: possessive alpha romance, enemies-to-lovers, dominant male, soul mate, fated love, strong hero, strong heroine, love triangle, billionaire, bad boy good girl, antihero

Topics for this novel include: Quiet Alpha Male Romance Book, Mafia romance enemies to lovers, Possessive alpha romance, Alpha romance, Alpha romance billionaire, Alpha romance books, Alpha romance dominant, Alpha romance novels, Alpha romance series, Alpha male books, Jealous possessive alpha male romance books, Romance books alpha male, Mafia romance, Dark mafia romance, Mafia romance books, Mafia romance suspense, mafia romances, dark romance, dark romance mafia, alpha business man book, billionaire romance, billionaire romance series, possessive alpha romance, contemporary romance, contemporary, romance novels, the best romance series ever, bestselling series, Billionaire, billionaire romance, sex, love scenes, romantic suspense, good girl, bad boy romance, contemporary romance, betrayal, organized crime, thriller, suspense, billionaire suspense, rich ceo, alpha male, action adventure, curvy, fantasy

Үнэлгээ, сэтгэгдэл

11 шүүмж

Зохиогчийн тухай

Lisa is a wife, mom, and amateur gardener who writes in her home office in Pennsylvania, USA. Alphas talk to her in her head everyday, and it's her job to write their stories! 

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