Building Websites with E107: A Step by Step Tutorial to Getting Your E107 Website Up and Running Fast

· Packt Publishing Ltd
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This book is hands-on. As you work through the small business/e-commerce enabled example web site, you will learn how to install, upgrade, configure, and use the various basic features of the e107 Content Management System. The book contains a number of screen shots to reinforce that each step that you perform is correct. This book is primarily for entrepreneurs, small office/home office, small businesses and non-profit agencies who would like to have interactive, business and/or e-commerce web sites at a low cost without sacrificing power or usability. No knowledge of PHP programming, Apache, or MySQL is required.

Автор жөнүндө

Theodore (Tad) Boomer was born in August 1956 in Catskill, NY. From an early age he showed a propensity for science and mechanic but also in art and music. When the personal computers became available he knew then that he was going to be working with them in one form or another when he grew up. Since 1985 he has run Connetek Business Technologies, http: //, his own small business technology company specializing in consulting, small business technology assessment, web presence, web design and web hosting with a focus on entrepreneurs, small office/home office, small business, non-profit and small government contracts. His technical knowledge and ability to communicate effectively has garnered him clients from around the world. Tad started writing technical manuals and conducting instruction regarding the use of software while employed with the US military and US federal government and has been a technical reviewer for osCommerce Beginners Edition, osCommerce Professional Edition, Open VPN, cPanel, and MAMBO Beginner's Edition.

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