Camping and Tramping with Roosevelt

· Courier Dover Publications
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In 1903, a renowned naturalist joined the President of the United States for a two-week camping trip to Yosemite. John Burroughs offers these delightful reminiscences of Theodore Roosevelt, which center on their ramble through America's first national park and their shared joy in the region's wildlife and geologic wonders. The two observed gophers, badgers, elk, mountain sheep, black-tailed deer, and birds of all kinds while camping in picturesque wilderness settings. "I found his interest in bird life very keen, and his eye and ear remarkably quick," notes Burroughs of his friend, adding, "His training as a big-game hunter stood him in good stead, but back of that were his naturalist's instincts, and his genuine love of all forms of wildlife."
Burroughs' account offers a splendid firsthand portrait of the larger-than-life president, recapturing Roosevelt's inexhaustible energy, infinite curiosity, and convivial personality. A second, briefer sketch recounts a visit to Sagamore Hill, the "summer White House," where the President and his companion took a walk in the woods to identify local birds. Twelve historic black-and-white photographs complement this engaging memoir.

Giới thiệu tác giả

Naturalist and essayist John Burroughs (1837–1921) played an active role in the U.S. conservation movement. Best known for his writing on birds, flowers, and life in the Catskills, he moved in prominent social circles that included Walt Whitman, John Muir, Theodore Roosevelt, Henry Ford, and Thomas Edison.

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