Captain America (2018): Captain America By Ta-Nehisi Coates Vol. 2

· Captain America (2018) 2-tom, #7-12 · Marvel Entertainment
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Collects Captain America (2018) #7-12. Captain America — wanted for murder! Accused and in custody, Steve Rogers has become a captain of nothing. With no costume, with no shield, and trapped behind bars with a thousand villains and killers who’d like nothing more than to see him dead, Steve fights back — and he can do it all day! But as the Power Elite makes its play, who stands with Cap? A prison riot is the best possible cover to break Steve out of confinement, but what if he doesn’t want to go? Steve Rogers might end up a fugitive, but that doesn’t mean he’ll give up the fight to prove his innocence and bring the true murderer to justice. Not by a long shot! It’s time for Cap to try a new tactic!

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