Celeste: Book 3 of the Glory Series

· Glory (Ebook Series) 3-китеп · Valley Publishing Ltd.
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Celeste Chandler hates to be last almost as much as she hates going home with her tail tucked between her legs. This time, she’s injured—her leg, not her pride. But none of that matters because she’s being stalked and going home may have been her worst idea yet. Whoever is after her also wants to destroy her sisters. The three sisters are the last in the line of Stargazers and, once they’re gone, there will be no one to care for their planet’s most valuable resource—the energy reserve—and the key to all life on Glory.

Matt has waited anxiously for Celeste to not only return to town but also to him. Given her position as an energy worker, he had no hope of tracking her down after she left. Only if she wanted to be found could she have been. He’d never expected she’d stay away for so long. He’s even begun to wonder if she’s ever planning on coming back.

But their planet is becoming unstable, and the only ones who can save it are Celeste and her two sisters. United, they have the power to fight the cloaked enemy in their midst and preserve all life on the planet. Apart, there will be no peace, no love…and no life for anyone.

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3 сын-пикир

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Dale Mayer is a USA Today bestselling author who writes for the young, the old and those in-between. Some of her books are hot, some are sweet. Some will keep you up at night with a light on to keep the boogie man away and some you’ll want to cuddle close. She’s long given up on trying to fit a specific genre. Instead she honors the stories that come to her – and some of them are crazy, break all the rules and cross multiple genres! And that’s okay too. There is one guarantee with each book – it will be a great read – each and every time.

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