Chances for Serendipity

· Natalie Chung
2 arvustust

Teave selle e-raamatu kohta

One chance meeting can change everything.

Serendipity Tsang never suspected the kind, sweet guy she once met would become famous. Aiden Andale—Australia’s newest hotshot tennis player. And to think she accidentally hit him on the head with a tennis ball!

As years pass by, she's busy juggling her family's beloved Chinese bakery, her future career, and navigating relationships.

Then she starts seeing Aiden again—in magazines, on TV, in tennis tournaments. He's everywhere she turns. Looking happy with his life. Unlike her.

But reality isn't always straightforward. What happens when serendipity finds them both again in the most unlikely of ways?

Perfect for fans of tennis and baking, Chances for Serendipity is a standalone contemporary romance that spans over several years with a happily ever after.

Hinnangud ja arvustused

2 arvustust

Teave autori kohta

Natalie is a big daydreamer who spends her days imagining fantasy worlds full of magical mysteries, action and sweet romance. When she’s not working on her next story, you can find her buying too many books, binge-watching anime or drowning in her accumulating pile of unfinished video games. Natalie lives in Sydney, Australia, but you’re more likely to see her lurking around Bookstagram.

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