Chasing the Dream (Montana Skies Book #3)

· Montana Skies 3-kitob · Baker Books
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Readers who loved Paige Elliston's Changes of Heart and Front Page Love in the Montana Skies series will eagerly reach for this latest installment. After life in New York City, Amy Hawkins makes a fresh start in the little Montana town of Coldwater. The 35-year-old editor is hard at work on her first novel, but her money is running out and the writing isn't going well. Amy's handsome horse-farmer neighbor, Jake Winters, befriends the willowy brunette and introduces her to Montana life. But an attractive woman horse trainer promises trouble. Ben Callan, a good-looking carpenter, is also interested in Amy. Two men want to win her heart. How will Amy decide? Romance readers will be eager to find out.

Muallif haqida

Paige Lee Elliston is the pen name for a much-published general market author.

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