Checkmate Duet Series: Six Book Complete Set

· Kennedy Fox
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A tantalizing duet series involving friends who find love when least expected.

This is War & This is Love

ViolaÕs always been off-limits, but Travis is determined to keep crossing the line. She tries to push him away, but heÕll do anything to prove heÕs done playing games. Until then, theyÕll play by their own rules to see who will win the biggest battle yetÑlove or hate?

This is Reckless & This is Effortless

Drew and Courtney have one drunken hookup that leaves them with much more than a platonic friendship. Pretending it never happened is a lot more difficult than either anticipated. Burning passion combined with an undeniable chemistry constantly pushes and pulls them together. In the end, Drew strives to prove theyÕre worth the fight, even when the game is far from over.

This is Dangerous & This is Beautiful

Logan may think he has Kayla all figured out, but sheÕs determined to prove him wrong. When unexpected tragedy strikes and Kayla forgets their relationship ever existed, LoganÕs worst nightmare comes true. HeÕll do anything to remind her of the love they shared. ItÕs an uphill battle, but Logan wonÕt walk away without a fight.

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