Choosing a Jewish Life, Revised and Updated: A Handbook for People Converting to Judaism and for Their Family and Friends

· Được bán bởi Schocken
11 bài đánh giá
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"As a rabbi and a convert, I appreciate this book deeply for its sensitivity to the complex feelings of those who are exploring paths to becoming Jewish, and for the deep love of Judaism it conveys. I will give it to every interfaith couple, and recommend that they give it to their parents. It is wonderful! "
--Rachel Cowan, co-author of Mixed Blessings

In the same knowledgeable, reassuring, and respectful style that has made her one of the most admired writers of guides to Jewish practices and rituals, Anita Diamant provides advice and information that can transform the act of conversion into an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Married to a convert herself, Diamant anticipates all the questions, doubts, and concerns, provides a comprehensive explanation of the rules and rituals of conversion, and offers practical guidance toward creating a Jewish identity.

Here you will learn how to choose a rabbi, a synagogue, a denomination, a Hebrew name; how to handle the difficulty of putting aside Christmas; what happens at the mikvah (the ritual bath) or at a hatafat dam brit (circumcision ritual for those already circumcised); how to find your footing in a new spiritual family that is not always well prepared to receive you; and how not to lose your bonds to your family of origin.

Sensitive, sympathetic, and insightful, Choosing a Jewish Life provides everything necessary to make conversion a joyful and spiritually meaningful experience.

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11 bài đánh giá

Giới thiệu tác giả

ANITA DIAMANT is the best-selling author of The Red Tent and The Boston Girl, among many works of fiction and nonfiction on contemporary Jewish practices. Her nonfiction books include How to Raise a Jewish Child and Saying Kaddish. She is the founding president of Mayyim Hayyim/Living Waters Community Mikveh and the Paula Brody & Family Education Center in Newton, Massachusetts.

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