Church: Critical Analysis of Its Theology and Philosophy

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This is an excellent book for theology analysis of church philosophy. At the end book of this book, a reader or a student will understand the meaning of church, and this book gives the main definition of church in many areas of the theology and philosophy. A reader will understand the growth of the church in relation to Pentecost. This book is not about to reveal the bad negative of the church, but it gives an excellent meaning of theology and philosophy of a church; this book shows that a church needs scientific contribution and also science needs a churchs point of view to the worlds solution. A reader will understand how both politics and church are working together for contribution in the community. If a reader needs to understand more in-depth church philosophy, I recommend to the readers also reading my books titled Christian Philosophy: Understanding Racial Oppression, African Inter-religious Dialogue: Philosophy and Theology.

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Dr. Leon Kabasele has done a lot of research on theology and philosophy, and he has written books on theology and philosophy, including Christian Philosophy: Understanding Racial Oppression, which delves into the issue of human rights in Africa. Those books will help those who study, research, and are interested in philosophy, theology, politics, and religion. He has selected the most important points to debate in his books. He became interested in researching human rights and other legal issues because of his life experience with matters of justice and his belief that, for one to understand theology, one must understand human rights. He has attended many conferences on theology and human rights, and he was selected to give a presentation at a conference in Bethlehem. He regularly attends conferences about Christianity, and he debates politics and theology with people from around the world, including India, Pakistan, and Africa.

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