Clueless Cowboy

· Truly Yours Digital Editions Sách 821 · Barbour Publishing
24 bài đánh giá
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Giới thiệu về sách điện tử này

Jake can’t live this way any longer.

Burned out, exhausted, and disillusioned, Jake Hanson hits the road. He empties his bank accounts and cuts all ties with everyone he knows. Searching for meaning, he buys a deserted Victorian mansion ten miles from civilization in South Dakota and determines to live off the land.

Emily isn’t looking for a man, and she certainly isn’t looking for more responsibility. Since her parents died, she’s been running the family ranch and raising her younger sister alone. She has plenty to keep her busy. So when she finds a stranger hiding out in the house next door, why can’t she just let him be?

When their worlds collide, will their inexplicable attraction draw Jake and Emily together or will their circumstances force them apart forever?

"I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being."Ephesians 3:16

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24 bài đánh giá

Giới thiệu tác giả

Mary Connealy writes romantic comedy with cowboys. She is a Carol Award winner, and a RITA®, Christy, and Inspirational Reader’s Choice finalist. She is the bestselling author of the Wild at Heart series, Trouble in Texas series, Kincaid Bride series, Lassoed in Texas trilogy, Montana Marriages trilogy, Sophie’s Daughters trilogy, and many other books. Mary is married to a Nebraska cattleman and has four grown daughters and a little bevy of spectacular grandchildren. Find Mary online at

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