CodeNotes for J#

· Saltzailea: Random House
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CodeNotes provides the most succinct, accurate, and speedy way for a developer to ramp up on a new technology or language. Unlike other programming books, CodeNotes drills down to the core aspects of a technology, focusing on the key elements needed in order to understand it quickly and implement it immediately. It is a unique resource for developers, filling the gap between comprehensive manuals and pocket references.

CodeNotes for J# will introduce you to the J# language and demonstrate how Java language syntax can be used inside the .NET framework. In addition to basic J# syntax, this book provides an introduction to Windows Forms, ASP.NET, and Web Services; one chapter is dedicated to an extensive case study based on the Advanced Placement Computer Science program. Whether you are learning Java or simply want to apply your Java knowledge to the .NET framework, this book will get you started.

This edition of CodeNotes includes:

• A global overview of this technology and explanation of what problems it can be used to solve
• Real-world examples
• “How and Why” sections that provide hints, tricks, workarounds, and tips on what should be taken advantage of or avoided
• Instructions and classroom-style tutorials throughout from expert trainers and software developers

Egileari buruz

Gregory Brill is the series editor of CodeNotes and the founder and president of Infusion Development Corporation, a technology training and consulting firm that specializes in architecting securities trading and analytic systems for several of the world’s largest investment banks. He has written for C/C++ Users Journal and is the author of Applying COM+. He lives in New York.

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