Pierre Muller
I bought this ebook as I left Phuket Airport, and couldn't stop reading - I finished it the same day. Very little people can imagine what he and many others have experienced. As I was reading through the chapters, I waited for the justice to prevail, just like he did week in and week out. It's a good read.
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Horace Bowers
I presently live in the Philippines and have traveled to Thailand. This book is very realistic. Never get involved with the prisons whether in Thailand or any (especially 3rd world) country. It would be nice if Colin would come out with a sequel. His life after his prison experience in Thailand.
1 person found this review helpful
J Johnston
Very interesting read it in 2 evenings after work , makes you want to maybe putting off that trip to Thailand incase for some reason I couldn't imagine why anyone would think of visiting a packed smog filled place like that.