Come Away My Beloved

· Barbour Publishing
8 مراجعات
كتاب إلكتروني

معلومات عن هذا الكتاب الإلكتروني

Here’s your invitation to deeper intimacy with your loving heavenly Father—with this devotional classic from Frances J. Roberts. This powerful book, featuring lightly-updated text and scripture from the New King James Version of the Bible, shares the ministering spirit of the heavenly Father when you need a little encouragement, hope, comfort, and conviction. Through compelling prose and poetry, author Frances J. Roberts will challenge you to a deeper intimacy with God.

التقييمات والتعليقات

8 مراجعات

نبذة عن المؤلف

FRANCES J. ROBERTS (1918–2009) is best known for her classic devotional Come Away My Beloved. She founded The King's Press in 1964, where she authored and published Come Away and eight other books, selling over 1.5 million copies in 30 years. After graduating from Moody Bible Institute in 1938, Roberts served as Florida’s state director for Child Evangelism Fellowship, writing the popular “Wordless Book Song” during her tenure there. An accomplished musician with eighty-eight published hymns, Roberts also taught at a Spanish mission school and worked as a professional accompanist, performing at various churches.

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