Comfort Crocheted Afghans: Three Heirloom Blankets for Home and Family

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· Open Road Media
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Brighten your home—or brighten a loved one’s day—with these clear instructions for creating three cozy, colorful afghans.
For many of us, afghans are the epitome of comfort. Colorful and inviting, they are a staple of the home, without which a living room or bedroom just wouldn’t feel complete. And whether you’re making one for yourself, as a housewarming gift, or to welcome a new baby into the world, the process of creating a handmade afghan can be as rewarding as the finished product. This sampler from Comfort Knitting & Crochet: Afghans is intended for crocheters of every skill level, and brings new life to the well-loved and versatile afghan.

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Berroco began as Stanley Woolen Mills in 1810 and has gradually evolved into one of the largest importers and wholesalers of yarns, patterns, and supplies to independent yarn shops throughout the U.S. and Canada.

Norah Gaughan, author of STC’s Knitting Nature, joined Berroco as design director after freelancing for most of the major yarn companies and knitting magazines in the industry.

Margery Winter was creative director at Berroco for 12 years, and has been editor-in-chief of Vogue Knitting and Family Circle Knitting, as well as the fashion editor of McCall’s Needlework and Crafts.

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