Coming Undone

· A Brown Family Novel 2-kitob · Sotuvchi: Penguin
44 ta sharh
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Brody Brown has always been responsible for others. After his parents’ deaths, he gave up a promising artistic career to care for his younger brother and sister. Now, with his siblings grown, Brody owns his own business, has a nice house, makes a decent living, and he’s finally on his own.
Elise Sorenson has come to Seattle with her young daughter to find peace. After years as a world-famous ballerina—and just as many years in a marriage gone bad—she’s looking for neither love nor attention. But she finds both when a handsome, honest man befriends her with no strings attached.
More than friends, Brody and Elise discover in each other what they need—wild, physical passion without commitment. But it’ll take a shadow from Elise’s past to make them look beyond what they need—to what they truly desire.

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44 ta sharh

Muallif haqida

As a stay-at-home mom, Lauren Dane had lots of conversations in a singsong voice but no real outlet for adult thoughts and words. Armed with a secondhand laptop, she decided to “give that writing thing a serious go.”
Nearly a decade and several dozen books later, she’s well aware of her good fortune and is loving every moment of it, even when she has to edit and intervene when her children bicker about video games or manga.

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