Como Decía Mi Tía Graciana: Refranes Mexicanos

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Every family has proverbs and sayings that are passed down through the generations, and author Miguel Lagunass family is no exception. In Como deca mi ta Graciana, Lagunas shares proverbs from a Mexican family matriarch, illustrating the secret to happiness, how to live harmoniously with others, and respect for others. Although Graciana was not a real person, her sayings, advice, and proverbs have been passed down through many generations and have become daily sayings in many Spanish-speaking households.

Como deca mi ta Graciana is translated in both English and Spanish so that you can enjoy these proverbs in both languages. In Como deca mi ta Graciana, you will read such proverbs as

A la feria muchos van, pero a ver y no a comprar (Many go to the fair, but to look and not to shop);

A la fruta dura, el tiempo madura (Time ripens hard fruit; time matures immaturity); and

A la hija muda, su madre la entiende (A quiet daughter is understood by her mother).

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Born in Mexico City, Miguel Lagunas came to the United States in 1956 and served in the US Army. He graduated from the University of Louisville with a degree in electrical engineering and is the cofounder of many nonprofit Hispanic organizations in Louisville. He has nine grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. He currently lives with his wife, Maria, in Kentucky.

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